Introducing MLMTruthReportcom - A New MLM Blog Designed To Expose The Truth On MLM And The Realities Behind Network Marketing From An Ex-MLM Junkie Perspective
Released on = April 19, 2006, 4:53 pm
Press Release Author = MLM Truth Report
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = 28-Year-Old Ex-MLM Junkie (From Duarte, California) Swears Under Oath Network Marketing Almost Ruined His Life... But Yet, Still Managed To Live On... And Finally (For The First Time Ever) \"Comes-Out-Of-The-Closet\" To Reveal The Dirty Little Insider Secrets He Learned From His Network Marketing Experiences That Most MLM Scam Artists Don\'t Want You To Know.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/23/2006
Introducing -- A New MLM Blog Designed To Expose The Truth On MLM And The Realities Behind Network Marketing From An Ex-MLM Junkie Perspective.
28-Year-Old Ex-MLM Junkie (From Duarte, California) Swears Under Oath Network Marketing Almost Ruined His Life... But Yet, Still Managed To Live On... And Finally (For The First Time Ever) \"Comes-Out-Of-The-Closet\" To Reveal The Dirty Little Insider Secrets He \"Uncovered\" From His Network Marketing Experiences That Most MLM Scam Artists Don\'t Want You To Know.
Duarte, CA - April 23, 2006 - \"MLM is hard... it\'s not for everybody... and it should be avoided at all costs like the \'Bird Flu\' pandemic!\" said Mr.x author of the brand-new MLM Truth blog at ( ).
For over 7-years, Mr. X struggled and failed in every MLM / Network Marketing business opportunity he got involved with. He claims to have maxxed-out 7-credit cards in the process, fallen into over $48,000.00 dollars in debt, and at one point even thought about taking his own life because of the ill effects caused by his constant failures in MLM and Network Marketing.
\"And that\'s not an understatement either. It\'s all true. And the sad fact is, 97% of the people I talk to who are currently involved in MLM / Network Marketing, are experiencing the exact same kind of depression that I once experienced as well when I was still stress-out because of my MLM business ventures\" said Mr. X.
But now for the first time ever, Mr. X has finally decided to come-out-of-the closet to expose many of the \"insider trade secrets\" that he uncovered about MLM / Network Marketing that most MLM con-men, Network Marketing hucksters, and Multi-Level Marketing scam artists hope you never find out.
\"I\'m tired of seeing the lives of good old hard-working ambition-filled entreprenuers go down the drain in shambles because of the lack of success in MLM / Network Marketing. It\'s just not fair when you have the deck of cards stacked against you from the very beginning. And that\'s why I created my new MLM blog ( ) so that other people don\'t fall into the trap of Network Marketing and make the same types of mistakes I did in MLM which almost cost me my life\" said Mr. X.
Mr. X\'s hope is that his new MLM Truth blog inspires others to look at their MLM businesses, and really take a hard look at where they want to be in life, and then help them make the right business decision for their own personal situation. He believes by sharing his bad experiences in MLM on his MLM Truth blog, just maybe he might be able to positively influence and positively impact the soul of another human being and save them from drowning in the blood bath he calls MLM.
If you\'d like to read more about Mr. X\'s experiences in MLM, simply visit ( ).
Web Site =
Contact Details = Mr. X -- Author of the MLM Truth Report P.O. Box 7114-2119 Duarte , 91010 $$country
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